Wednesday, October 30, 2013

scars are scars

He's in my head the way marbles aren't in my hands
The way I'm in this Utah isogloss (and I get the way I talk from New England)
The way IV's settle into veins
The way death settles into dusty tombs
The way eyes settle on eyes
And I think his eyes are telling me something

The way I feel around him is glass
And the moon is glass
He makes me feel like the moon
And there's glass around my feet-
no, the moon is at my feet
He makes me feel like the moon is at my feet

He's in my head the way sanity is out of my grasp
The way caves are in mountains
The way darkness is in caves
The way darkness blankets me at night
The way darkness wraps it's arm around me
The way darkness entices
The way darkness trembles

And darkness trembles at his voice
And I would run away into the darkness because he makes it feel so safe
I've wasted space thinking about him
I've wasted time longing for him
He's in my head the way gold is in the earth
So deep
So covered in murk
So never being mined

I need my space and I need my time
He's in my head the way roots settle into dirt
The way blood washes away
The way blood dries up
The way scars form
The way that scars are scars
He's in my head and I want him out

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