Wednesday, October 30, 2013

scars are scars

He's in my head the way marbles aren't in my hands
The way I'm in this Utah isogloss (and I get the way I talk from New England)
The way IV's settle into veins
The way death settles into dusty tombs
The way eyes settle on eyes
And I think his eyes are telling me something

The way I feel around him is glass
And the moon is glass
He makes me feel like the moon
And there's glass around my feet-
no, the moon is at my feet
He makes me feel like the moon is at my feet

He's in my head the way sanity is out of my grasp
The way caves are in mountains
The way darkness is in caves
The way darkness blankets me at night
The way darkness wraps it's arm around me
The way darkness entices
The way darkness trembles

And darkness trembles at his voice
And I would run away into the darkness because he makes it feel so safe
I've wasted space thinking about him
I've wasted time longing for him
He's in my head the way gold is in the earth
So deep
So covered in murk
So never being mined

I need my space and I need my time
He's in my head the way roots settle into dirt
The way blood washes away
The way blood dries up
The way scars form
The way that scars are scars
He's in my head and I want him out

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


The end of the world will be full of I should have's

-I should have given money to the hobo

-I shouldn't have cared when my words came out incoherent

-I should have been a little more spontaneous

-I should have, I should have, I should have

-I should have made peace within myself

-I should have finished that painting

-I should have called my sister more


-I never finished the Bible, and I SHOULD HAVE

-I never got close to Grandma Smith, and I SHOULD HAVE

-I never bought a telescope, and I really SHOULD HAVE

-I never went to Paris, and----------

The end of the world comes all too quickly

Sunday, October 20, 2013

words you should have said

And pretty soon it will be tomorrow. Yesterday won't mean what it means to me today. It'll just be the past; just like everything else. Like that moment your voice got caught in your throat. Maybe you were a coward. Maybe you thought you could handle it. Either way, words were left unsaid. I bet you can't even remember what they were.

Walk with two things on your mind: love and yesterday. Because tomorrow's yesterday is today. And when you walk, don't you dare leave a trail of chained boxes behind you unless you leave the keys too.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

astronaut phrenology

what is it with my insecurities

why does the time pass so quickly sometimes and so slowly others

will i ever see space from, well, space

if i brought up your past would you care

and if you did, why should that stop me

wouldn't that make you open up, wouldn't that help me open up likewise

why do people care if music is made by manipulating a computer versus manipulating a guitar

where are the wild things

why haven't i found them

or have i been searching in all the wrong places

why does time pass at all

can the moon see me, and does it find me mysterious

are you listening

does the wind really whisper my name or am i imagining things

why do i always move to places colder than the places previous

why do i dislike the cold so much

could i pick you out in a crowd

could you pick out my voice in a choir

is time even tangible

Monday, October 7, 2013

catching up to the hourglass

Earning the days 24 hours at a time - that's the life. And it's the same for everyone.

The wealthy can't buy more time, and the poor, as much as they appreciate it, can't appreciate it enough to make it more than what it is.

Grind your teeth and count down the seconds. You think this is bad, imagine taking on the sins of the world. We can only imagine.

Smile widely and count down the seconds. You think this is euphoria, imagine death. I'd imagine she's got a beautiful face.

At any moment your world will crumble underneath your fingertips. I can only help pick up the pieces, but I'll never be able to put them back together for you.

Earning the weeks 7 days at a time and earning the days 24 hours at a time - that's the goal. It's no different for the beautiful. It's no different for the ugly souls.

Keep up the pace, or time will waste you away.

Show time how hard you're ready to work, and she will give you the rest you deserve.

You think this is dystopia, imagine the apocalypse. Meteorites and zombies and global warming and fire and atomic bombs and black holes and what is happening and where has all the oxygen gone and I should have repented when I had the chance.

Earning the months weeks at a time, earning the weeks 7 days at a time and earning the days 24 hours at a time - that's the ritual.

Never forget the steps you've taken - the backtracks and the confident strides. Because we're earning the years 12 months at a time, and I can't imagine the world ending at Christmas time. Or at Easter. And if it does, it's only because people have forgotten.