Tuesday, September 24, 2013

i fear

Honestly, I'm terrified of becoming too comfortable with another person. That once I get to that point, they'll get bored of who I really am. That they'll miss the front I put up. I'm terrified that I'll always put up that front with every person I ever meet.

I'm scared that people will hate my taste in music.

I don't really understand why that matters.

My heart beats and I think that's the best song you could put on your summer playlist.

Truly horrifying, the way I get attached to people in all the wrong ways, makes this pit in my stomach swell to the point that I feel it all the way to my toes.

It's not death I fear, but what's waiting for me afterwards.

I used to love the color black, but now it just frightens me. Black to the pitch. Where you can't even see your hand in front of your face. And no matter how long you sit in the darkness, your eyes will never adjust because the room is truly bereft of light.

I fear that someone out there is reading this and not feeling what I am feeling.

I fear the cracks in the road, and zombies. I'll act tough around them, but I fear spiders. I fear talking in front of people. I fear that one day my mind will fade away into dementia. I fear that I'm not always being honest. I put the front up anyways.

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