-Albert Einstein
I've spent my life weaving layers over my heart and bones and wondering why it's so hard to connect with other hearts and bones. But don't ever say that my heart isn't pretty. I wanna show it to you raw and bloodied, but first I've got to peel away the linings.
Judge the world like a grain of sand and not the beach. Judge a grain of sand like the world and not the trees on it. Judge my eyes by my pupils and not my irises. Pupils are a gateway to the soul. Irises distract and make a dark thing beautiful. But we're all dark creatures on the inside.
Judge the moon by the way it outshines the stars, but judge the sun by the way it looks into your soul and blinds you.
Injure the odds. Fall head first knowing everything is going to be all wrong. Invest in shiny metals that perish in time. At least they last for now. I'd be lying if I said I was being honest.
I'm being honest.
I feel like I'm living off salt water and kool-aid.
Judge the leaves by the holes in them. Judge me that way too. Invent something new and give the credit to someone else. Match the stars with something other than a mirror. Like a canvas, or a beating heart, even the world itself.
I'm peeling the layers off my heart, and you better be here when I'm done.